Archivo de la etiqueta: Mediapro

¿Dará un Golpe de Timón Emilio Azcárraga?



Pudiera ser finalmente este 2010 cuando Emilio Azcárraga Jean, cabeza del conglomerado de televisión de habla hispana más grande del mundo, Televisa, tenga que aplicar un golpe de timón para enderezar el barco que comanda, frente a algunos hechos que llaman la atención de algunos analistas y con los cuáles, hasta donde se sabe, él mismo está inconforme:
1.- La reiterada discordancia entre los millones de dólares invertidos cada año en tres equipos de futbol profesional que sin embargo no alcanzan razonables niveles de rendimiento.
2.- La canalización de mayores recursos monetarios al canal de la televisión española donde participa el grupo mexicano, llamado LaSexta,y que en vez de ganar audiencia, dinero y credibilidad, cada día obtiene mayores niveles de reprobación.
3.- El aparente proyecto que tienen sus asesores de inyectar más dinero a proyectos televisivos de caracter tradicional, frente al desgaste de un modelo político-informativo que puso en funcionamiento bajo el efluvio del zedillismo y la transición Azcárraga Milmo-Azcárraga Jean, y que hoy ya no resiste.
En el primero de los casos, es bien sabido que la inversión de Televisa en el ámbito futbolístico tiene la misma raíz que la llevado a incursionar en otras áreas, como fue el caso de las corridas de toros, las sesiones de box, de la lucha libre y demás: favorecer espectáculos que además de propiciar una sano entretenimiento  en la población, de la misma manera alimenten el deseo de ver la televisión, así como de anunciarse; esto es, generar audiencia y el ingreso publicitario.
Dentro de este tenor, a través del club de futbol América lo que ha buscado el consorcio televisa es generar siempre «espectáculo«. Sin embargo ahora se encuentra involucrada en la posesión de tres equipos de futbol de los cuales no se han obtenido, temporada tras temporada, los frutos deseados.
Es decir, personas o grupos con menos inversión económica, han conseguido lo que Televisa, con todo el apoyo económico y promocional que posee, no ha obtenido: el preciado título de campeón. De hecho, durante la era Azcárraga Jean solamente se ha conseguido tal presea, y por cierto bajo la gestión de Guillermo Cañedo hijo, quien tuvo que renunciar a la temporada siguiente, por el pésimo desempeño del equipo.
La fórmula más dinero igual a más títulos, en el futbol es  falsa. El equipo de futbol Guadalajara constituye un ejemplo de ello. Y los tres equipos que posee Televisa, también lo corroboran; pero primordialmente el América.
El problema está en que los equipos forman parte del consorcio. Y éste consorcio es público, tiene inversionistas de la talla de Bill Gates, y en la temporada que acaba de finalizar, la final de la final se la llevó la competencia: Televisión Azteca, de Ricardo Salinas Pliego, otra vez…
Siendo pública o privada la empresa, lo único cierto es que es mucho el dinero el que se invierte y bajo el rendimiento obtenido.
Algo debe estar pasando, pues no se trata de un solo equipo, ni de dos, sino de tres, que se quedan siempre a la mitad del camino. Seguramente eso lo ha visto ya Emilio Azcárraga Jean, únic dueño de tres equipos de futbol de la Primera División, y quien esperaría que si no ganara uno, ganara el otro, y si no, el otro; pero el caso es que ninguno, como dicen, «la hace».
Tendrá Emilio, pues, que revisar a fondo la estrategia.
Lo mismo que en España, donde LaSexta se ve encuento cada día en mayores dificultades políticas, que le impiden despegar y ser considerado, por la población a la que está dirigido, como un canal serio, objetivo, ameno, creible y por tanto confiable. Características de las cuales carece, pues siendo parte del grupo del pintorezco Jaume Roures–ese marxista militante que dice que a él no le importa el dinero, sino sus ideas político-ideológicas–, en España LaSexta es algo así como lo que en México sería un canal de televisión propiedad de Manuel Andrés López Obrador. Así. ¿Así?. Así. Su página web, por ejemplo, adquiere tintes similares al espacio que posee la página del diario noticioso de El Peje en México. Emplea los mismos calificativos, por ejemplo. No es el espacio de un canal informativo, de entretenimiento, sino de un canal con ideología, con ideología marxista que bate y combate a los que ahí se denominan «los ultraderechistas».
Y como tal, ahora se encuentra en el centro de la discusión en todos los medios españoles, con motivo de la golpiza a lo Berlusconi, pero por la espalda, que le propinaron a un periodista que fue parodiado en LaSexta y que decidió demandar a ésta por haberlepuesto en su boca amenazas de muerte. El periodista, Herman Tertsch –muy respetado por sus análisis en El País, ahora en ABC y un canal de la televisión–, se quejó de que la versión emitida por LaSexta sobre lo que él había comentado, estaba poniendo en peligro tanto a su familia como a él, pues había personas que querían agredirlo, al creer que había ventilado amenazas de muerte. Y dicho y hecho: desconocidos lo atacaron por la espalda y hoy está hospitalizado.
El problema de LaSexta es que es un canal ideologizado, al servicio del Partido Socialista, que carece de objetividad credibilidad. Es un medio partidista, pues, donde se ataca a los católicos o a los que no siéndolo, no son socialistas. Es un canal de televisión operado para un manejo ideológico de Roures.
Pero en fin, el caso es que mientras en España ese canal de televisión sólo le ha generado a Emilio Azcárraga Jean, pérdidas económicas y molestias, en México estaría por implementarse una nueva inversión monetaria y humana en Televisa, precisamente en su área informativa.
El modelo impulsado por el zedillato en la televisión mexicana, ofrece cada día menos resistencia al acceso masivo a la información, gracias al Internet, medio donde no caben esas verdades oficiales de otro tiempo, como el endoctrinamiento diario que se destila a través de los llamados intelectuales de izquierda, casi para finalizar el noticiero nocturno de Televisa.
Enmedio de una disputa entre los accionistas de Televisa y la ausencia de Emilio Azcárraga Milmo con motivo de su enfermedad, el zedillato hizo de las suyas en la televisión mexicana; primero, haciendo las veces de soporte para uno de los grupos que disputaban el manejo operativo del consorcio, y segundo, a través de presiones a Televisión Azteca por el préstamo que Ricardo Salinas Pliego había recibido del hermano del exPresidente Carlos Salinas de Gortari para adquirir la televisora al Estado.
Dos exfuncionarios de Gobernación se encargaron del área noticiosa y de relaciones políticas en TVAzteca, y un cercano colaborador de Zedillo y exsubsecretario de estado, ha venido haciendo desde aquél entonces lo mismo en Televisa. Fue así que llegaron días en que se divulgaban «filtraciones» contra el exmandatario Salinas de Gortari, a través de los noticieros de la televisión.
El modelo tuvo su impacto momentáneo. Pero al paso del tiempo se agotó.
Ahora, la importación que pudiera hacer Televisa de una parte del equipo que labora en XEW Radio, podría tener el riesgo de ahondar en un esquema que  lesionó al PRI en sus relaciones con la sociedad mexicana y ahora en España a El PaísLaSexta, con sus bajos niveles de audiencia: esto es, la ideologización. Hay que recordar que el respaldo que ha tenido en España el Partido Socialista, ha venido precisamente del grupo que controla El País (Grupo SER) y del que maneja LaSexta (Mediapro)…ambos, socios de Televisa.
Los dos grupos están atravesando en España por tres serios problemas:
* Caída en audiencia y lectores, respectivamente.
* Un elervado grado de endeudamiento económico.
* La posible caída de su principal aliado político: el gobierno de Rodríguez Zapatero, cuyos niveles de popularidad van en descenso.
En fin, que a la luz de todas estas consideraciones, no sería nada inconveniente que Emilio Azcárraga Jean diera, ya, el golpe de timón esperado.

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Lose more money and Credibility in Spain on Mexican TV group of millionaire Azcarraga, Televisa



* Blow to the credibility of your channel «SIXTH»

* Ran out of patience Emilio Azcarraga Jean


Spain has become a real headache for the Mexican billionaire Emilio Azcarraga Jean, the principal shareholder of Hispanic television’s biggest world TELEVISA.
Bad advice from a bad adviser, Azcarraga Jean had taken the decision to partner with the Marxist Jaume Roures, head of the Spanish consortium «Mediapro, which has gained space and money with personal relationships with the Spanish head of government yet, Socialist José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero.
That was why, as a result of such a society the Mexican television empire Televisa acquired 40% stake called Spanish channel La Sexta.
Contributions in millions of dollars, by Televisa, have become increasingly higher and higher than originally estimated. However, despite the injection of fresh money, the losses of the Sixth have caused the appearance of negative numbers in the Mexican group.
As if that were not enough, three factors hurt the image and the time it might to finance this adventure in which television, at the wrong time, got the group led by Emilio Azcarraga. Only last week, appeared in La Sexta, facts never suffered before in the history of the Mexican group. They are an embarrassment to our knowledge, are ending with the patience of the young, talented and visionary entrepreneur Mexican TV.
1 .- Throughout Spain has commented negatively on the decision not to grant the prize of 60,000 Euros, a young man before all the audience of La Sexta, hit correctly to questions put to it to be that amount.
2 .- As if that were not enough, is preparing a criminal complaint against the Sixth, because of another scandal. The Gazette fresume perfectly, Spain:

«Herman Tertsch, director and presenter of the daily report of the night Telemadrid has suffered» very serious allegations «by the Intermediate program of the Sixth, as the author himself has declared to this newspaper. The reason was an editorial the presenter read his program and in a few days ago which said that «in both pacifist minister would rather die to kill, the decision to kill an enemy that wants to kill us is justified as self defense and if I could kill fifteen members of Al Qaeda to free kidnapped countrymen would without doubt. »

From the program The Great Wyoming Tertsch words used to make a sketch in which the journalist is «bent» with another voice and saying he would kill fifteen pacifists, who is willing to finish with fifteen children, with several ministers of Zapatero and the president himself. »
The journalist’s response was not long in coming:
«Herman Tertsch going to report to the Sixth and El Gran Wyoming program. Jaume Roures chain and was quick to say that everything was a joke given» no intention to offend, «he responded to Tertsch to LA GAZETTE: «No offense? Some balls! «. «You can not call someone murderer and put in your mouth that you want to kill ministers, Zapatero and peace and then a joke. Enough with the mockery and the Gracieta! «Said the reporter for this newspaper.
The decision, which to some might seem exaggerated, actually not, since he and his family have faced, under what is alleged in the Sixth, an outrageous situation:

«Clearly upset and hurt by what happened, Tertsch told this newspaper that they have done» violates my safety. I can not go many places because they insult me in the street «because of the broadcast of that video.» They have attacked my honor. It has affected my family and everyday life. I’ve been hurt and will pay very dearly, «he said in a blunt.» Anyone who goes around comes around, «he added, so going to report them.

«In the unlikely event that The Sixth apologize publicly maintained the complaint:» no use to me a retraction. The damage is done, with my face on television and putting things in my mouth so severe. But I have not received any answer and did not expect. »
3 .- The situation has not been in two cases, but is that before the widespread knowledge that businesses run by the Marxist Jaume Roures are in serious financial trouble, with daily losses, the government of his friend gave him a Zapatero contract with no benefits for the Sixth, but to another company owned only Roures, but has also generated outrage.
In fact, Zapatero’s Socialist government awarded the contract for work carried out in facilities Roures that supposedly can not be made on state television. The workers’ union official channel have jumped outraged. Therefore launched a complaint to the officials of the state enterprise, since they consider it inconceivable to benefit Roures, Zapatero’s Socialist government signing a contract for 50 million euros for jobs in government buildings, could be carried out. They said:

1. If it takes more assemblers in TVE, that they are engaged, but that at no time that will serve as an excuse to edit out of TVE-house productions.

2. We find it unfortunate that you use a private company [of Roures] to mount the programs produced by TVE. Are we going to have to ignore rumors that speak of a gradual privatization of CRTVE, undercover state budget guarantees?

3. We consider dangerous and profitable flagship programs of TVE are assembled outside of it, for the risk attached to the operation. Moreover, these spaces are self-produced, largely, the brand image to that date, and after many years of work, has TVE.

4. The edition of the programs means the final product, is the mark of quality and is absolutely vital, because the assembly depends on the final product is good or bad. The assembly joins the work of all professionals involved in the creation, development and product finishing. That is a priority that the work done in the editing booth, as relevant, to develop in our own agencies and professionals TVE.

5. It is very shocking and striking that some of the programs and facilities to produce Mediapro for TVE to be edited and assembled in the cockpit of TVE with our professionals, paying for it besides the CRTVE large amounts of money. It would be even more surprising that from now on TVE produces programs that had to be edited in   Mediapro … What are we playing? Who will benefit as this strange …?

6. We feel shame that, according to data provided in the press,   Mediapro obtain at least 50 million euros annually through programs and services performed for CRTVE.

As can be readily seen, the incursion into Spain has not proved beneficial for the group that it commands Emilio Azcarraga Jean. Neither economically nor politically.
Moreover, remember that last year there and advertisers withdrew their sponsorship of programs in La Sexta, owing to repeated attacks on the Church. Anyway …

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Spanish Marxist causes losses to Mexican billionaire Emilio Azcarraga and TV network, Televisa


* THE «PEOPLE BASTKETBALL» Zapatero seems to sink
It seems that Mexican businessman of television, Emilio Azcarraga Jean, will take strong measures in the coming days that could redefine their society with a Spanish Marxist group that embarked on a costly adventure that can lead to Televisa, the world leader in television Hispanic headache wit
h some investors.
So far, management conducted by the consortium TELEVISA Azcarraga Jean, has been impeccable. Not only has preserved what he inherited from his father, but has even increased it received. He has made some interesting operations that have allowed diversification and, therefore, lower exposure to risks arising from having everything put in one basket. Certainly the bulk of the revenue remains the same, but no doubt it has been known to drive with two middle brilliance turbulence:
The alternation of power in Mexico, which means they restructure the relationship with the real factors of power in that country, where the president no longer enjoys the privileges meta decades ago, and
* Successive economic crises resulting from financial mismanagement in New York: first, the severe blow to international investors on discovery of accounting scandals that began with the famous Enron case, and secondly, the recession triggered by the injection funds in high-risk mortgages that became unaffordable, and reason for the technical bankruptcy of the U.S. financial system.
However, the only point of concern is the dual society that has established a curious business groups, significantly linked to the Spanish Socialists, now experiencing serious problems.
A) The first was with today endeudadísimo Grupo Prisa, the late Jesus de Polanco, from a minor league contract for the operation of the company that gave rise to TELEVISA: XEW radio station, known as the Voice of America America from Mexico. The Socialist tendencies of the Prisa Group and, therefore, their SER radio division, has given several headaches Emilio Azcarraga Jean, before handling biased ideologizing with which it has been at times to manage the hotline and comments. Another of the ballast with which it has struggled Azcarraga Jean is Antonio Navalon, very disreputable character in Spain, for his involvement in an explosive case of just handling of public funds during one of the socialist governments of that country.
B) But the second case was the association of Televisa, in 2006,  with the so-called Group Mediapro, which in Spain has been linked publicly with the still politically from that country’s socialist president, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero.
TELEVISA Spanish entered the television market with a not inconsiderable 40% of shares in the channel called La Sexta, a firm that according to the initial public comment, due to ties of its main backer Spanish, the picturesque Trotskyist Jaume Roures, with Spanish socialist officials could get some juicy profits. This, however, has not worked. For the sake of those unfamiliar with the Hispanic social ExtraMED, we say that such Roures, who runs the television station La Sexta, a character who seems to emerge from the picaresque
* Roures is called in Spain «The People Basketball Zapatero.
* Roures Mediapro Group owns, operates as a holding company under whose umbrella they operate, for example, the open television channel La Sexta and declared a small newspaper of communist leanings called Public.
* The latest reports indicate that this group reported has a «financial gap of 3.140 billion euros, that is deepening every day because daily newspaper lost 50,000 euros and the Televisa network [which Televisa owns 40% of the shares], 350.000. 350,000 euros a day …!
* As if that were not enough, says the company «will have six years pay EUR 2.583 million for broadcasting rights. A huge number, because it is 25 times greater than the equity of the company and 80 times its operating profit» as Digital Journalist discusses just this past 21 November 2009. The numbers therefore do not add up.
* The worst of it all, and mainly for the smart Emilio Azcarraga Jean, is that they have two completely opposite philosophies. Emilio, in effect, recognizes the social function of television show, but also clearly stated in seeking business profitability, as it has hundreds of thousands of shareholders in the world who should be held accountable satisfactory. Instead, the picturesque Roures, defined itself as Marxist, says: «I make money to serve my ideas.» He adds: «I do not work, I was active.
Go partner to put into the hands of Emilio Azcarraga …! A Marxist activist who apparently affected the prestigious defined by the psychiatrist Otto Kernberg, as T ISORDERS Narcissistic Personality, «just looking to make money for autodeleitarse. And so lost 350,000 euros a day in La Sexta! Total, s nly happens to TELEVISA account …
The words I quoted from the picturesque Marxist Jaume Roures are copied from an interview he gave the French Communist newspaper Liberation, that any idle can be found at the website of the Paris daily.
Roures, the picturesque Marxist who spent several years in prison during the Franco regime not because of his ideas but his Trotskyite militant subversive as stated, even has a daughter who was born in Nicaragua during the Sandino-Communist revolution.
With the resources we got, they say in Spain, thanks to the business which was provided by its relations with the socialist leaders of his country, has produced films pro-Communist, as performed by Oliver Stone in which he praises Fidel Castro.
One thing is the words and other figures. You can say outrageous and a half, but the numbers do not lie. Let’s see how you represent the loss of MEDIAPRO TELEVISA And how long will support the Mexican television group which Roures continue having fun with other people’s money …
For now, Roures already had to cut staff in its daily paper Publico, which appeared last week without signatures in protest of drafting such a measure taken to address the crisis in the newspaper.
And to make matters worse, the Spanish Socialist government seems to water:
* The farmers took to the streets to protest the lack of support they enjoy.
* The Socialist government itself was discredited by the way they «solved» the hijacking of the vessel Alakrana: gave money to the pirates made a pact with them.
* Unemployment is rising, reflecting the strategy of raising taxes, worsening the crisis.
The political support Roures therefore also seem to sink. The ship then sinks.
PD is said that behind all these investments that some Mexicans like Carlos Slim and Emilio Azcarraga been made in Spain, Curiously, significantly with «businessmen» not typically Marxist and capitalist, is the hidden hand of Felipe González. Is it?
* The photograph corresponds to Jaume Roures.

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